We’ve been chosen! Because of our great will and creativity, we can now proudly announce that the European Union has selected and approved to finance our brand new project “DEVELOPING AN INNOVATIVE INTERACTIVE MARKETING PLATFORM FOR SUPPORTING ENTREPRENEURIAL GROWTH AND COMPETITIVENESS OF ORGANIZATIONS”. The total value of the project is almost 2 million Euros, but for us it’s not about the numbers. It’s about what we want to do for the entrepreneurial environment.
Long story short, our project aims to create an innovative interactive marketing platform that offers an alternative to the current online marketing environment. We are talking about a new system that can greatly improve how companies are promoting, interacting with customers, or prospecting the market. The software to be developed can be used by companies with diverse business activities and gives them competitiveness in that sector. The platform is to be fully developed by our company, in line with the general objective of Priority Axis 2 – Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for a competitive digital economy, within the Regional Competitiveness Operational Program 2014-2020.
Do not think this was easy. We had stressful times, strict rules to follow, great competition and lots of papers to do. So imagine our excitement when we finally got the results. We were so happy that we even placed a billboard as big as the garage door to our entrance to tell people about our project!
Now, seriously, this allows us to take a big step forward with our plans. That’s why we would like to encourage others to apply for European Funds. It can be of great help when you feel that your ideas are bigger than the bank account. There are funding grants for almost any type of activity, just make sure your project adds value and efficiency. Here’s all you need to know about European funding programs:
Also, we are open to share our knowledge and experience, so you can contact us anytime at: