If you’re in the television industry you’re probably going through hard times. You’ve heard a lot lately about the declining of traditional TV, the shrinking audiences or the theories regarding the death of TV as we know it. And those are not just rumors, we fact-checked it for you, as a basic rule in journalism requires.
An Omnicom Media Group agency Hearts & Science report shows that almost half of adults 22 to 45 years old are watching absolutely no content on traditional TV platforms. A Nielsen report indicates that between 2011 and 2017, traditional TV viewing by 18-24-year-olds dropped by almost 12 hours a week. And also, viewers who prefer watching TV shows on TV sets plunged by 55% from 52% to 23%, according to a recent global survey conducted by Accenture.
This is pretty scary considering that for decades, television was the dominant medium for information, commercial communication, and entertainment. But let’s see what else these studies reveal.
According to the exact same reports, your audience turned off the TV just to open another type of screen: a laptop, a tablet or a smartphone. The Omnicom Media Group agency study says 47% of Millennials and Gen Xers are still consuming TV content and video, but on streaming platforms that didn’t exist until recently. The Nielsen report also concludes that Millennials just spend more time accessing apps and the web on smartphones, while Accenture says that an increasing number of consumers prefer to watch shows on laptops or desktops—42%, up from 32% in last year’s study—and smartphones—23%, up from 10%.

So what do you do in this situation? Get closer to millennials, be where they are, give them what they use…and just get yourself an app. But not just any app, we already launched the ACTV powered by 05Media app, a media platform that incorporates the characteristics of traditional TV with a mix of social media and interactivity features that will get you directly into the 21st century. We already have the infrastructure: a powerful cloud-based content storage and delivery system that provides customers instantaneously online access to content, anywhere, on any device of choice: mobile, tablet, laptop.
Asian Culture Alliance Television is the first television that has already turned to our services and now has a personalized app with a linear channel for their programs, a library of VODs where anyone can search through their shows or through any other videos that viewers might be interested in. But most important of all, the content is interactive. That means viewers not only get to watch the shows on a smaller screen but also ask questions, create polls or take interesting quizzes, even place bets related to what they see at that moment.
In other words, ACTV powered by 05Media app will do it for you: move your content online and stop holding your viewers captive in front of a TV. “If the mountain won’t come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain” – and so you must. Reach the new generation through a mobile app that not only allows you to distribute your content worldwide with no cables attached but will also make it an overall fun and cool experience for your viewer.